About DIRP

The Directorate for Institutional Research and Effectiveness (DIRP) at The University of Duhok (UOD) is empowering the institution with constructive data analysis. 

During the 1950s, the institutional research role was designed as a method for centralising and easing the collecting, analysis, and reporting of data pertaining to a single college or university.

The accountability movement that propelled most of higher education in the succeeding decades, as well as fast technological advances and greatly increased reporting expectations from government agencies, all contributed to accelerate and widen the establishment of the institutional research function.

Today, the institutional research function in higher education provides a complex and diverse set of activities aimed at improving administrative decision-making, responding to external demands placed on institutions, informing institutional policy development, and providing empirical data to support institutional planning and budgeting. Institutional research, in its broadest sense, is study that seeks a deeper knowledge of the institution, as well as its qualities and attributes.

DIRE focuses on the sum of all actions aimed at empirically characterising the complete range of UOD functions (educational, administrative, and support). DIRE activities investigate those tasks in their fullest meanings and include data collecting and analytical methodologies in support of decision-making at the UOD in both internal and external settings.

DIRP Function

We are part of the university's service arm and report to the President's office. The office offers the university community a variety of research, planning, evaluation, and associated support services.


center to become a major center for innovative research and data-driven insights, shaping the future of the University of Dammam as a globally recognized institution of excellence. We aspire to continually raise our analytical capabilities, enhance collaboration across diverse disciplines, and contribute significantly to the strategic advancement of the University of Dammam and its impact on education and society.”


“The Institutional Research Center (IRC) at the University of Duhok is dedicated to facilitating evidence-based decision-making and strategic planning by conducting research, providing insightful analyses, and transforming institutional data into actionable information. We foster a data-driven culture, employing quantitative and technical data” and qualitative approaches. As needed, disseminate reports regularly to senior management, academic units and external partners. IRC is a committed partner in the University of Dammam’s strategic planning process.”